Whiplash Fraudsters To Blame For Spread of Ebola

Have you started planning your next fraudulent insurance claim?

What do you mean “No”. Come on, get a move on , you’ll need the extra cash for Christmas.

There are plenty of options available – has your top of the range smartphone mysteriously vanished, what about that expensive toolkit  stashed in your garage that could easily be” stolen” ? If all else fails,  then why not slam your brakes on  and let the car behind nudge into you; hey presto, a bit of fake whiplash and you’re quids in.


What’s that! You aren’t seeking to boost your seasonal spending by defrauding an insurance company. Fair enough, one of these honest chaps are you,  although that  won’t stop the insurance industry from treating you as if you are a fraudster until you prove  otherwise.

Fraudulent claimants are the latest group  undermining the very fabric of  our society. A menace  to be bracketed with the other easy scapegoats beloved of the Daily Mail headline bots:


How to spot a MAMIL in the wild

Britain’s  road users are used to dealing with a nuisance.  They’ve had to put up with  potholes, speed traps, Boris Johnson,  even pink Beetles with headlight lashes; yet even  they are struggling to  cope in the face of the latest menace – Militant Cyclists.

No, I’m not talking about goatee-bearded students with bad breath flogging the  Socialist Worker. I mean the new breed of no-nonsense, single minded cyclo-nuts causing havoc in our towns and cities.cycle-rear

These  lycra-clad crackpots are rapidly becoming a real pain in the butt. They are the MWA- MAMIL(middle aged men in lycra) With Attitude Continue reading How to spot a MAMIL in the wild

David Cameron, Chris Grayling and the Abuse of Human Rights

It’s funny how phrases take on different meanings as time goes by. Not so many years ago  a “do gooder” was a person who did their  best to help others , it was someone who was generous and charitable. Anyone so unfortunate to attract that label now is  a “soft touch” and to blame for all of society’s ills by sending teenage rapists on all-inclusive holidays to the Caribbean or allowing prisoners to have 60 inch plasma TVs in their cells.

Similarly, “human rights legislation”,  once seen as  vital in  upholding the fundamental values we all hold dear,  is now held responsible for helping sinister hook handed muslims to escape justice and handing  undeserving asylum seekers state benefits.

Continue reading David Cameron, Chris Grayling and the Abuse of Human Rights

Bryan Ferry, Betty Rubble and Thomas More. Confused? You will be.

Lawyers are always patting each other on the back. Let’s be honest, if we don’t nobody else will.

You can often see us photographed in the business pages of local papers passing each other awards made of engraved glass in the shape of a child’s drawing of a mountain. Very prestigious awards mind you, highly prized  with categories such as “Proactive Legal Innovators of the Month”and “Tax deductible  Charity Champions (year end April 2014)”.


Continue reading Bryan Ferry, Betty Rubble and Thomas More. Confused? You will be.

The Big News: My Blog’s arrived …oh, and err Scotland votes No.

What a momentous  week to start my legal blog.

The biggest divorce in UK history has been avoided and even better, Mishcon De Reya didn’t receive a penny in fees. It was compelling stuff for us  lot south of the border even though we weren’t directly involved – the constitutional equivalent of watching a couple of obese neighbours mud wrestling.

The idea of Scotland going it alone was too much for some to bear but I doubt any of them were lawyers. Scotland has always  had its own legal system, largely independent of England, and  has made a rather good job of it. Their  system  has developed through the application of  Roman- Dutch principles rather  English Legal theory. This means that strict adherence to  legal precedent and common law is discouraged in favour of deciding cases after getting pissed on red wine, engaging in orgies  and smoking marijuana.

Continue reading The Big News: My Blog’s arrived …oh, and err Scotland votes No.